Strength TogetHER 6 - Session 9

27th February,2021
Strength TogetHER is a virtual program facilitated by 'LOKOPAKAR', a youth organization that has achieved to provide a space and platform for individuals (especially girls and young women) to share their views, opinions, perspectives, experiences, their issues and find solutions to them.
After the successful conduction of the previous session, we conducted this meeting  on 27th February 2020, at a point when the lock down was almost over and people normalized walking out of the houses after 10 months of living in the virtual world. We named the 9th session of cohort 6  'FACING THE REAL WORLD' and listened to each other about our experiences of adaptation in the real world.

Almost 20 participants present there had the same kind of experiences while facing the real world .
We realized that we all went through the physical,mental as well as the social changes. The time we gave to ourselves during lock down made us quite confident about ourselves and made us stay motivated and discover ourselves.Although with all these changes in us,we'd have trouble socializing with people 
.But more than that,we discussed how social media has affected us,how listening to positive words affects us and how learning on different topics even virtually has made us a better person.

At the end we came to a common conclusion that joining strength togetHER during the lock down and taking sessions virtually has shaped our personality and made us realize the peer to peer emotions.
Everyone talked about the positive changes they went through due to this virtual platform and how they are going to share all the values to other people  in order to make this place a better place to live in .

One more session to go ,for the completion of cohort-6 and i , Binisha Bhattarai am a proud coordinator to take initiative to open this cohort and provide the best platform for the girls to join in. All thanks to the team members of 'LOKOPAKAR' for making this possible.Kudos to us for strengthening day by day !

Written by - Binisha Bhattarai (Cohort Coordinator)


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