Strength togetHER cohort 6- session 6


A healthy mind does not speak ill of others. You never look cool while making someone else look bad. If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them, it only makes you more stronger and powerful. Even good people have some limits.

In order to make the session fruitful and productive, Strength togetHER, cohort 6 conducted its sixth session on the topic, "Bullying or Bullied?" The session was guided by our cheerful and resourceful moderator, Miss Rosy Karna, who is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in clinical psychology. Her long term goal is to establish a better mental health care system.

Moving forward with the session, we had five speakers who shared their stories to get inspired and inspire others as well.

• Our first speaker shared a story of her friend who had constantly been bullied by a bunch of seniors during her late childhood. She had been tortured and bullied at nights by using scary props as well. This experience made her to sacrifice her dreams and passion and return to her previous life.

• Our second speaker was shocked to see the behaviour of a little boy towards to the girl of his own age.Teasing that girl with various names, throwing paper balls became his habit. Bullying was in his very blood which ultimately became worst later on.

• Moving to our third speaker, she herself was bullied during her college days while pursuing her medical degree. She was forced to show respect to her seniors. She was treated as inferior in front of her seniors.Eventually, her fear of going to college grew  extreme due to regularly being bullied and her mental health condition also degraded.

• Our forth speaker faced some kind of bully just because she was a slow learner. The group was categorised into topper and failures in which topper used to degrade slow learner and made them feel less valid.

• Our final speaker was given various names by her school mates. She was constantly teased which grew intense inside her head. She quotes that ,'Bullying is a very sensitive topic, yet it is very common.'

After hearing and commenting to all the stories, our moderator raised a question on how can teasing be distinguished from bullying.This really made us ponder over these two distinct words which are misused by people almost all the times. We got to learn that teasing is an action performed by people for a short period of time whereas bullying is a stretch term of teasing which is performed  by people who commands power.

If we give a deep thought to bullying, we can come to know that various kinds of bullying exist in this rea of 20th century among which cyber and sexual bullying is the most common one.After discussing about the topic we came to few conclusions:

• No one has control over other people's mentality.

• We should be sensitive before addressing anyone.

• Give support to bullied victim.

• It is not the intention that matters but it is its impact that matters.

• Develop your will power.

• Surround your inner soul and outer body with positive vibes.

• Self awareness is the biggest challenge

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who look and do nothing but because of those who try to make others bad by their awful actions.

Lets try to be the one who encourages because the world has plenty of critics already. People say that bricks and stones breaks our bones but words can hurt the most. Therefore, be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.

Summing up, this session was a huge success in the world full of chaos and conflicts which was lived for 90 mins with almost 20 participants via the virtual world of Zoom. Looking forward to more sessions in near future.

Written by: Manaswi Agrawal
Edited by: Aastha Shrestha


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