Strength TogetHER 6- Session 7

December 12,2021.

Strength TogetHER is a virtual program facilitated by 'LOKOPAKAR', a youth organization that has achieved to provide a space and platform for individuals (especially girls and young women) to share their views, opinions, perspectives, experiences, their issues and find solutions to them.

Our 7th session themed "VALUE FOR SELF" conducted on 12 December,2020 was moderated by our very cheerful and talented Simran Khatri s who is a fresh graduate of Bachelors in Development Studies . She has been working in the field of development as she aspires to spread awareness among women and children in different issues through Global Peace Foundation Nepal.

Coming towards the end of cohort 6 and knowing about each other more and more ,this session ended up to become one of the best and most emotional sessions of cohort 6. The comfort among us made it easy for the participants to share their stories very beautifully .
  1.  Just because our first speaker needed some time for her own ,she had to lose her close friends which really made her hate herself at the very first.She had gone through a lot of stages in her life where she lacked self love and self care.Later she got to know her own potentials,got involved in beauty pageants,poetry recitation,literature etc and was supported by her family as well as good friends.At the end ,she realized her self worth and accepted herself and till today she keeps herself before anything else.
  2.  Our brave ,bold and beautiful second speaker shared her story of self love and self-acceptance.She shared her horrible experience on how the society poured their opinion of how a girl like her shouldn't have let go of her beauty treasure i.e her hair. Yes, she dared to go bald .She poured all her heart out explaining the hard times she had to go through after she went bald and how she could not love or accept  herself.Later she came out to be the boldest with the self realization of making own choices is what matters and that she won't give  single explanation to make the society understand.
  3.  The lack of self-acceptance thing always made our third speaker not feel"beautiful".She shared her story of how she forced to love herself more and more.At the end,she made herself a priority,started working out,did skin care,appreciated her hair,and learnt to do facial makeup.She said that self-love, self-care and self-acceptance was what she learnt in her journey of life.
  4. Our last speaker always felt like she lacked something in her life as she always had to stay far away from her family for studies.She wanted people to listen to her and because of this thing she also had hurt her self-respect a lot of times.In her journey of understanding value for self,she met a friend who always had her back and made her feel beautiful.She supported our speaker to love herself,accept herself and care for herself.She said that she has been very happy lately because she has almost everything she wanted in herself.
 Our moderator was really very happy listening to the speakers explaining their efforts in loving and caring for themselves .We discussed a lot about the topics and came to the following conclusions :
  •  Surround yourself with people you feel good with.
  • Make room for healthy habits
  • Postpone your worry and negative thoughts
  • Appreciate others with their efforts,this will encourage them more.
  •  Fearing judgements won't help us grow.
  • Accept what you cannot love
  •  Leave off comparison and just be yourself.
  • Learn to appreciate yourself.
  • Do not let mistakes demotivate you, learn from them.
  • Care for the world by caring for yourself .
  • Take baby steps to create life you long for
 Ending our beautiful and fruitful session with the quote , Self-love, self-respect, self-worth: There’s a reason they all start with ‘self.’ You can’t find them in anyone else'', really helped us realize how fear holds our growth and how it's upon us to overcome it  and have a great value for self. All of us had a great time knowing and realizing our worth. Session 7, and more to go !

Written by - Binisha Bhattarai (Cohort Coordinator)


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